Dr. Popescu Catalin Mihai

Dr. Popescu Catalin Mihai

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Despre Dr. Popescu Catalin Mihai

Competente si specializari

  • 1991-1994: secundariat in dermatovenerologie, preparator universitar
  • 1994-1999: Asistent universitar,  UMF Carol Davila Bucuresti
  • 1999-2006: Sef de lucrari, UMF Carol Davila Bucuresti 
  • 2006-prezent: Conferentiar, UMF Carol Davila Bucuresti  
Lucrari publicate
  • Popescu CM, Popescu R, Williams HC, Forsea D. Community validation of the UK diagnostic criteria for atopic dermatitis in Romanian schoolchildren. Br J Dermatol 1998; 138; 436-442.
  • Popescu R, Popescu CM, Williams HC, Forsea D. Prevalence of skin conditions in Romanian school-children. Br J Dermatol 1999; 140: 891-896.
  • Popescu CM, Popescu R. What is the role of topical calcipotriol in the treatment of moderate to mild chronic plaque psoriasis? [editorial]. Arch Dermatol 2000; 136: 15471549.
  • Minocycline for acne vulgaris: efficacy and safety. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2003. • Popescu CM, Popescu R. Effectiveness of oral ivermectin and malathion lotion for difficult-to-treat head lice. Arch Dermatol. 2011 Jan;147(1):98-100
  • Popescu CM, Popescu R. Isotretinoin therapy and inflammatory bowel disease. Arch Dermatol. 2011 Jun;147(6):724-9.
  • Popescu CM, Popescu R. Efficacy and safety of spinosad cream rinse for head lice. Arch Dermatol. 2012 Sep;148(9):1065-9.
  • Garner SE, Eady A, Bennett C, Newton JN, Thomas K, Popescu CM.Minocycline for acne vulgaris: efficacy and safety. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Aug 15;8:CD002086.
  • Popescu CM, Bigby M. The weight of evidence on the association of isotretinoin use and the development of inflammatory bowel disease. JAMA Dermatol. 2013 Feb;149(2):221-2.2
  • Sladden M, Zagarella S, Popescu C, Bigby M. No survival benefit for patients with melanoma undergoing sentinel lymph node biopsy: critical appraisal of the Multicenter Selective Lymphadenectomy Trial-I final report. Br J Dermatol 2015;172:566-571.
  • Compendiu de dermatologie si venerologie. Bucuresti, 1996 (retiparit 1997, 1998), 415 pagini
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